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When you consider dental implants, we feel excited that you have chosen to invest in your long-term oral and overall health! However, we also know that dental implants are a significant financial investment for many patients, which may leave them worried about electing treatment. If you feel this way, you are not alone. It is normal to feel hesitant about dental implant treatment; there are many variables. However, you may feel confident that our specialized team has helped hundreds of patients return to a life of confidence, function, and health with dental implants. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with our talented oral surgeons. Together, we can explore your goals, develop a financial plan, and create a personalized treatment plan that ends with the smile of your dreams.
We tell our patients that the consultation with Dr. Epstein is a two-way conversation. In the comfort of our living room-style consultation room, you are welcomed to have a discussion with Dr. Epstein about your goals, fears about surgery, financial concerns, and any other topic related to implants. Dr. Epstein is invested in you and your well-being and is enthusiastic to guide you on your journey to restore your smile.
Determining your dental implant cost becomes clearer when we understand which treatments you will need to undergo. Patients may require existing teeth to be removed or bone grafting if their teeth have been missing for some time. Similarly, the location of your missing or failing tooth will determine the type of implant we will need. If you need additional sedation, this will be factored into your overall cost as well. Once we have created your treatment plan, we can assess the final cost and determine the best financial plan for you.
Many patients elect to have fewer surgical appointments as possible to save time. However, it is not uncommon for us to lengthen treatment to make it more affordable, and in some cases, we recommend this option if additional treatments or healing are needed. Depending on your situation and preferences, your surgical visits can be tailored to best fit your needs and budget.